Suits on Game on. Know your position by Chris Hayes

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This book is a unique description of football that captures the true-life perspective of the game from my experiences in the NFL. I will take you on my journey from the rough West Side of San Bernardino, California, to college in Washington State, to getting drafted and playing football in the NFL. This is my life’s testimony on the trials and tribulations that we all face. I believe we all have been equipped with the necessary tools to succeed in life. I also believe that too many people of influence self-destruct before they have the opportunity to give back. Sadly, this is due to their lack of self-knowledge, their failure to understand the significance of their gifts, or their unwillingness to realize their true purpose. To whom much is given, much is required, is the premise upon which one must build. It is truly a blessing to have knowledge in life, but knowing how to apply this knowledge is just as important. My years in the NFL were just a fraction of mylife. It took me years to realize there is so much more. I once heard that opportunities of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity. This means that you have to take advantage of what life has to offer and make the best out of it right there in the moment. I had to learn my purpose the hard way, before my gifts were taken away. It happened for me in a hospital emergency room holding my chest and gasping for air...

But I’m one of the lucky ones. I got a second chance in life. This book will unlock the champion within, and show you how to realize and take advantage of the gifts that were bestowed upon you.